Monday, July 23, 2007


You should all watch the six episodes about Stainboy. It's a character that's created by Tim Burton. You'll find links to the episodes in the right column. Please write som comments on which episode you prefer and think is the best.


Friday, July 20, 2007

37 new movies

God! In three days I've bought 37 movies. They have been very cheap, but the're all new ones. I'm very excited about that. Movies that usually costs 200:- (200 swedish crowns = 20 euro) I've found to the price of 40:- (= 4 euro). That's a big difference. I will defintly be shopping there some more (Pay-C, but I bought some at summer markets)

Monday, July 16, 2007

World Trade Center

I watched World Trade Center with my mum and dad, and we all enjoyed it. I don't understand why it got so bad critic. Is it because it's directed by Oliver Stone, who usually makes controversial movies. So the reason that it has gotten bad reviews is that it is NOT controversial. This is what movie critics has been saying at least. Very odd and weird.